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Loves Mirage Page 6
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Page 6
“You okay?” Mikey asked.
Missy looked up and grinned. “Never better.”
That had been a lie, but she played wingchick for Emma. The fear was, at what price?
Emma had a puzzled expression staring at her phone. Missy said don’t move, to say put in her apartment. She wondered what Missy had been up to, had she gotten into trouble? Tapping back on her cell, she would wait for her, she shifted her thoughts back to Derrick.
She was confused. On one hand, she could feel his feelings come through. Then he shifts and acts like the ass she knew him to be. Was he playing her? Leading her on to get her into bed with him. There was no doubt the kisses, his touch and the looks he gave her made her tingle with desire. That’s what made him dangerous, every part of her crumbled when he got near.
Emma was proud of herself for avoiding him. She kept her desires from erupting and making a bad decision. She wanted a relationship with him, even if it was a bad idea. She couldn’t change him, that wasn’t going to happen. If a relationship developed, she would have to accept the consequences of his lifestyle.
She hadn’t considered the risk she put her life in. He and his buddies were scary guys. There had been a time when Derrick did things that made her hair stand on end. Did loving him make it worth the potential of going to jail? She wouldn’t participate in anything illegal, but she wasn’t stupid about being collateral damage if they got caught.
Quirking her lip as everything was a bad idea, none of it made sense, but her heart and desires for Derrick were winning out. Emma shook her head and sighed. If she was smart, she would walk out right now and go back home. Get back to her perceived real life. There had been nothing wrong with it, she had no worries there. Blaine crossed her mind; did she toss him off too fast?
That question wasn’t answered as Missy bounded into her apartment. “Do I have news for you.”
Missy skipped right to her and grabbed her hands. Squeezing and shaking them with a large smile. Before Emma could ask a question, Missy blurted it out, “Taylor is long gone.”
Emma blinked as she took in what Missy said. “What? How do you know?”
Missy gave her a huge smile with a glimmer in her eyes. “What did you do, Missy?”
Emma gulped as her stomach knotted. Part of her was happy about Taylor, what was the price?
“I showed her the video, told to get out of town or Derrick would see it.”
The look of satisfaction on Missy’s face didn’t squelch the flipping of her stomach. Derrick will be furious and might believe she’d been behind Missy’s chicanery. That could end it right there. She had to figure out how to distance herself from the fallout.
“You showed it to her just like that?”
Missy giggled and squeezed her hand. “No, silly. I tried to reason with her, but she was all that about her and Derrick. She left me no choice but to show what a whore she was. I also told her to leave you alone.”
Emma wanted to puke. Her insides wretched. This wasn’t the way she wanted to deal with Taylor. “Missy, you should’ve asked me first.”
Missy expression changed to a grimace. Her hands pulled away from Emma’s. “You’re mad? I thought you be happy, that I got rid of her for you,”
Missy sounded hurt. “I’m not mad, just surprised. I worry what Derrick will think. He might get the idea I was behind you doing it.”
She gave a snort and shook her head. “Nah, if things get gnarly, I will take the bullet for it. No worries, Em.”
Emma gave her a weak smile. “Thanks for doing the dirty work. I don’t want you to get caught up in all of my drama.”
“This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I’ve wanted to take her down, like forever. She isn’t one of us, an outsider that zeroed in on your man.”
‘your man’ that sounded odd. She wanted Derrick no matter how bad it was for her. She felt he was starting to open up, and feared that what Missy had done to drive out Taylor might upset that. Emma would have to get out in front of it, be honest and let the cards fall as they may.
She turned back to Missy and moved closer to her and gave her a hug. “Thanks, Missy for doing this. You’re special, and a good friend.”
Missy squeezed into her and then looked back and smiled. “It was a blast, and it’s time for you to reel the big dog in.”
Reel him in?
Emma shivered at the thought. Was this one of those be careful for what you wish for moments?
Chapter Ten
The biggest fear Emma had was Taylor finding Derrick and backstabbing her. It’d be a gamble on Taylor’s part. The video proved she was messing around on him, but would he believe her? She was sure Taylor would claim it was fake and that she was trying to break them up.
She had to get to Derrick fast. Her first instinct was to tell him. Tell him what she heard and deal with the reaction good or bad. If she said nothing and he found out later, it could get ugly for her. He might think she was being shady and hiding things, and that wasn’t her style. Emma’s instincts were to lay it out and see where it took her.
Worse thing is he walks out of her life. It brought a horrible feeling within her. It’s the last thing she wanted.
Time was wasting. She sent a text asking when they could meet up. She headed for the Strand while waiting for his reply. Finding her favorite place, she leaned her butt to the wall and stared at her phone. Come on. She peered up and watched the surfers, wondering if he was out there. Squinting to find him in the groupings. Her phone buzzed. Turning her gaze to the screen, it’s him.
Meet me at my place in ten.
Emma responded as her fingers shook with nervousness.
This was it.
His place was close by. That is why she chose to hang out on the strand. Emma wasted no time getting to Derrick’s. All her mind could think of was beating Taylor to him. Taylor might be long gone, but she couldn’t risk it. The first one to him would win, or that’s how it played in her mind. Her thoughts were rampant with what if’s, how would he react, did he already know? It wasn’t long before she stood before his building. Looking up from the corner, seeing the picture window. She felt the tension inside her and headed up the stairs.
Each step up the stone steps brought a sense of dread within her. She wasn’t sure she had the strength to tell him what Missy had done. Part of her wanted to protect Missy. He might go after to her and that wasn’t fair. Missy was being a friend, having her back, and that she understood. His door loomed like a gigantic edifice. Emma took a deep breath before her hand rapped on it.
She could hear his footstep grow louder then the door swung open. He stood there, bare chested. She blinked and quivered as her eyes roamed over the harden muscle slab of his chest and abs. His shorts barely hung on his hips. He reeked of sin and lust. Her body reeled and she could feel those sparks firing in all the right places.
Emma gulped, “Hey.”
His grin eased the anxiety. “Get in here girl.” He turned and strolled deep into his place. With each stride his tanned back muscles rippled. Her brain drifted into places long forgotten, and she wanted to go there fast. The other part of her screamed to slow down, let him earn it. She had to get past the whole Missy and Taylor issue.
She followed him to the large picture window that overlooked Pacific Coast Highway, and captured a slice of the deep blue ocean. It was a great view and sunsets were spectacular from his window. He spun around and kept that grin going. His blue eyes gleamed as he hooked his thumbs to his short’s pockets, they almost slid off.
A lust filled moan ripped through her.
“What’s up babe?”
Emma bit into her lower lip as her gaze lingered on his rugged face. Maybe if she kissed him, let him ravage her, he would forget Taylor and all the drama would be spared. She knew what would happen, if word got out. She might love Missy and her loyalty had been unquestioned, but Missy did have a big mouth. It would be in a matter of hours bef
ore that video found its way onto YouTube.
Emma closed the distance between them. “There is something you should know; I want you to hear it from me.”
Derrick smirked and then canted his head with a quizzical look in his eyes. “What’s going on?”
His voice sounded calm to her, she decided to plow ahead, “It’s about Taylor.” She let that linger for a few seconds. This time his expression changed. He squinted as his jaw set. That look was never good. “What about her?” His tone shifted to a deeper serious tenor.
She shifted on her feet. Looking up at him with soft eyes, trying to diffuse the building tension. “Missy showed me a video.”
He started to speak but Emma stopped him. She wasn’t going to be distracted, she wanted to finish what she had to say. “Let me finish, the video showed Taylor having sex with the Southside guys, a bunch of dudes. She was enjoying it, Derrick.”
Her throat constricted; teeth buried into her lip as she waited for the reaction.
He stood there in silence, leaning back into the picture window and glowered. He sniffed and looked at her for what seemed hours. “I had heard some talk about her. I didn’t care, until you walked in to my life a second time.”
Emma tried to believe he wasn’t mad and this might work out after all. She offered a thin smile. Was he holding back? She feared he’d erupt, and didn’t want to push him hard on the subject.
“I don’t like Missy showing that off, it makes me look like a chump. I want it.”
She was relieved when he didn’t go ballistic. It did make her wonder about his knowing about it and never confronting her. That was odd. Maybe he didn’t care, she had been an easy lay. A nagging feeling lingered. Was it the sex or was she spilling information about a rival gang? Emma pushed the curiosity away. She wanted her moment and it looked like that was going to happen.
She nodded. “I don’t see why Missy wouldn’t do that for you.”
“She doesn’t have a choice, Em. She gives it up or else.”
Those words were dark and sinister. This had been the response she had been waiting for, the I’m in control attitude. Her gut told her that he knew, but had no proof. She had that proof and he wanted it squelched.
She would run interference for Missy and save her ass. “I’ll take care of it for you.”
Derrick his shook his head. “No Em. I’ll clean up the Taylor mess. You stay here and handle Missy.”
Emma didn’t argue. He had always taken matters into his own hands. This time wouldn’t be different. She’d only hope Taylor didn’t try to destroy her again.
Chapter Eleven
His instincts told him she’d be close by. It wasn’t like Taylor to take off without a fight. No matter if the video was proof, she’d come out swinging and denying it. He headed down to the Strand to an old hangout he had once used. It’d been the old Dewey Webber shop. Abandoned long ago and used by druggies and drunks from time to time. Every so often the police cleaned it out. Why she went there no one had an idea but that was the gossip.
Derrick had to decide what he’d say to her once he found her. Her talking about Emma had annoyed him, but he thought with time it’d fade away. He guessed wrong. He could see the hurt on Emma’s face and that tore at him. He had fallen in love with her. Maybe he had been all along, but the more he had been with her the more it cemented those feelings.
It freaked him out. Love had never been in his vocabulary, he avoided commitment like the plague. Only Emma could slay his heart. Once he got the Taylor situation finished, he’d get his life in order. Emma had become the most important thing to him. He would have to rework the crew or turn it over to someone else. He’d deal with that later. The old surf shop wasn’t far away, he had to get his mind wrapped around on dealing with Taylor.
He slowed his gait as he got close. His gut told him she was there; the question was in what condition? He moved to the back door and stepped in. The place reeked of stale urine, and rancid booze. Derrick took careful steps. He didn’t want to step on a needle or a knife. He peered around the corner where they used to mold surfboards and he spotted her crouched in a corner.
Derrick didn’t move. He looked at her and could see she was in a bad way. Was it drugs or booze? He figured she did either one to fight the anger or pain. She must have heard him for her gaze peered up at him. There was a split second of quiet before she launched out of her crouch and came running at him. He didn’t move. Taylor flung herself into him. Her arms and legs curled to his large frame. Instinctively his arms wrapped around her back. He could hear the sobs as her body pressed into his.
“I knew you’d come find me.”
He held her close, but was clueless what to say. He had to handle this with calm and fast. “I had to find you, before you did something terrible.”
She tensed into him. “What? Your slut woman bashed my reputation with a phony video?”
Derrick pushed her away. He glared at her with a shake of his head. “Be honest for a change. The video is real. The betrayal is real.”
Taylor stood there with a hard expression. He waited to give her a chance to come clean, she said nothing.
“Here’s the deal, you have until sunset to clear yourself out of here. If I get word you still are around, or shooting your mouth off about anyone here, you’ll meet an unhappy situation.” He paused to see if she had anything to say. Nothing. He continued. “Don’t get an idea that you can get the upper hand. I can call Whit, and he will love to hear how you’ve been spilling your guts about his crew.”
Her face turned ashen and he could see that had an impact. “You got it, Taylor?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“Then we’re done and you better get out of here, pronto.”
Derrick wanted to get back to Emma, he turned without waiting for any further responses and headed back up the strand.
Emma was worried. All the various scenarios raced through her mind. She paced through his apartment, stopping to peek out the window. She’d hoped to spot him coming back. She had no idea where he was headed, or how long he’d be gone. What if Taylor convinced him that she’d been the bad one in all of this. She could accuse Missy of making it all up. The thought of this going sideways brought a knot to her stomach.
She went to look out the window when she heard the door open. Emma wheeled around with a look of despair.
He grinned as he entered the apartment, a few short steps and he was close enough to touching her. “She is gone, she didn’t even defend herself.”
Emma craned her head up to get a good look at him. That was all she needed to hear, there was no need to hear the bloody details. Her heart thumped into her chest. Maybe it’ll workout this time.
His body radiated a heat that singed her soul and all he had to do is kiss her and she was his. Her body quivered; her knees were close to buckling. Touch me dammit! Her mind screamed. She didn’t care if he loved her or wanted her for one night, she ached to be with him.
His hands combed over her arms and around her shoulders. He pulled her into his heated flesh. Emma melted into him. A sense of relief washed through her as her lips caressed his thick tanned chest. The stillness was perfect. It was their touches and caresses that filled the silent void. When his hands dropped and planted to her ass she yelped.
Within a blink she was airborne and being carried off.
If this was a bad idea, she liked bad ideas.
Emma hadn’t had time to process what was happening and wasn’t sure she wanted to. His arms were like steel and she never felt safer. She squealed when he tossed her onto his bed. Her backside bounced across the mattress as she giggled. He stood there looming over her. His blue eyes were ablaze as his gaze raked over her flesh. She was on fire. Her pussy dripped with excitement, the other parts of her whimpered to be manhandled.
It was a command and it thrilled her. She loved the fierceness o
f his voice.
Thankfully it was a sundress and within seconds her fingers peeled it off. Thumbs hooked to her thong and everything was gone. She laid back, naked, and panted hungrily as her palms combed over her pale flesh. She stared up at him with a begging look. Licking her lips with hunger as he dropped his shorts.
OMG her brain screamed out.
His cock was hard as a rock. Long and thick as she remembered it. Without thinking her legs fell open, arching her back begging him to use her.
“Get in here and love me.” Her voice dark and husky with desire.
He chuckled and was on her in a second. His kisses and touches exploded over her body. She cried within herself as he tormented every part of her before sinking his throbbing prick deep within her. All rational thought flew out the window. She was his and she didn’t care what the consequences were.
“I’m yours Derr...”
His lips sealed her mouth shut as his hips rode in and out of her sex with a fury. Emma cemented into him, her body was on a magic carpet ride like no other, and she wasn’t going to fight it. Her body took over and was breaking apart, she didn’t resist one second and when the first orgasm blew open. Her nails carved her brand into his back, he belonged to her.
Her lissome legs hooked to his hips and heels beat a steady pace, aching for him to finish. He howled to the bites and nails raking his flesh. Within seconds he buried deep within her and exploded himself.
Together, at last.
He fell into her sweat soaked body. She never felt happier. Her arms clung to his back. Legs glued to his hips. Smiling with the deepest of sighs.
“I love you, Em. “
That is all she needed hear. This was the best Christmas present she ever received.
“Forever?” she whispered along his ear.
The End
In time, Emma moved in with Derrick. It had been a transition for both of them and they settled into a routine. She enjoyed being on the beach and having someone loving her. She was amazed how different Derrick had become. Long nights of sex and talking bonded them closer together than ever before. It didn’t take long for her to discover that he wasn’t an emotional wasteland. There was lots of history to his being averse to commitment. His past she couldn’t change, but it made life easier for her to understand the dynamics raging within him.